
Fun • Creativity • Achievement

Pupil Absence

Request for Absence 

If your child/children need time off school, please use the form below to send in your request.

PHT Absence Request Form Sept 24 NEW

*Please note the information below that explains what absence can and cannot be authorised by the school.

Request for Absence in Term Time – Information for Parents

School attendance regulations changed on 1st September 2013 under Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 which amends the existing 2006 regulations.

Under current government legislation, the school is unable to allow absence in term for the purpose of a holiday under any circumstances. The regulations do allow the school to continue to authorise absence in “exceptional circumstances”. Please find below a list of examples of allowable absences and those which will now be classed as unauthorised absences.

Allowed absence

  • Sickness/illness
  • Emergency and planned medical appointments (Parents are requested to make to make routine appointments outside school hours)
  • Hospital scheduled appointments /treatment
  • Day/s for specific religious observance
  • School is closed due to unforeseen circumstances

Allowed absence in exceptional circumstances (at the discretion of the Principal and in advance  of the event)

  • Family bereavement or close friend bereavement
  • Other compassionate grounds
  • Family wedding/civil partnership taking part on school day–not travelling to a wedding unless it is abroad. We can only authorise a maximum of three days for trips abroad.
  • Family crisis
  • Examinations off site
  • Educational Opportunity – Sport & Performance
  • Attendance at an event at the request of a public organisation
  • Visit to a new school
  • Family re-location visit

Absences not allowed under any circumstances

  • Family holiday – no matter what length
  • Family trips
  • Leaving school early to travel to an event

All requests for absence due to exceptional circumstances must be made by completing the ‘Request for Absence’ form that can be downloaded from our school website. The Principal will then review each request and decide if it meets the criteria for authorisation. Parents should keep their copy of the authorisation in case they are required to prove their child has authorised absence during term time.

Please be aware that any holiday in term time will be treated as unauthorised and may result in a fine of £60 per child, per parent, being issued by Northamptonshire County Council. For absence relating to illness of five days or more, schools may request a doctor’s note to confirm the absence.

We hope that parents will understand that schools are bound by the government legislation and make every effort to comply with the attendance regulations.