Pupil Premium Funding
The Pupil Premium funding (£1445 per child) from the Department of Education is given to schools to support pupils who qualify for the funding, such as children who are looked after or are entitled to free school meals, (not to be confused with Universal Free School Meals, which are currently available to all children in Reception to Year Two). Currently, at Parklands, there are 41 pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding.
Pupil Premium Strategy – 23/24
Impact of Funding -Data from Government Assessments
Pupil Premium Ambition
Our aim is to diminish any differences so that pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium funding leave our school without disadvantage. Therefore, at Parklands, we use the funding to support and challenge the learning of these pupils, with a focus that the children make at least good progress in the core areas. As well as focusing on academia, we value the wider provision and opportunities to ensure we focus on the whole child including social, emotional and mental health.
Pupil Premium Implementation
How we will spend the funding:
This year, our primary spending will be:
Pupil Premium Impact
We measure pupil premium impact by assessing our work against our ambition.
Leaders, alongside class teachers, regularly evaluate the success of this funding in securing the pupil’s academic progress, comparing the outcomes of pupils who qualify for funding to other pupils nationally and within the school, with an aim of diminishing any difference in achievement between the two. They also work with the school’s family support worker and external agencies where necessary.
We have worked hard to improve the attendance, including that of Pupil Premium children, and it has greatly improved since the Trusts’ takeover in 2018. We monitor attendance of all pupils carefully and work closely with families to improve attendance where needed. Our current attendance rate across the school is 96.5% which is above that of schools nationally.
Interventions are set up for any child that receives extra funding and falls below 95% attendance in order to allow them to access their learning. This can range from meet and greets, to family meetings with a member of the Senior Leadership Team and the Senior Welfare officer to identify how best to get their child attending school regularly.
If you have any questions about Pupil Premium allocation/support, please contact Mrs Robinson.