We provide a broad and balanced programme of physical education and we believe that every child should have activities designed to be enjoyable, purposeful and varied. Through providing positive experiences, a lifelong interest in physical activity is encouraged.
Promoting a healthy and active lifestyle is incredibly important at Parklands Primary School, as we recognise the impact it has on pupils well-being, confidence, resiliance and team work. As a school, we are committed to using the Government’s Sports Premium in the following ways:
Please visit the link below to see our spend and outcomes for this and previous academic years, as well as plans for this year:
Parklands Sports Premium 22 23 Impact Review
Parklands Sports-Premium 23 24 plan
Swimming results from July 2023
% of Year 6 pupils who could :
Competitive sport :
As a school and as a Trust, we firmly believe that competitive sport is an important part of school life as it builds resilience and enables children to celebrate non-academic success.
“Through rich and varied opportunities…all our pupils will have the chance to grow their confidence…”