Sports Premium


Fun • Creativity • Achievement

Sports Premium

We provide a broad and balanced programme of physical education and we believe that every child should have activities designed to be enjoyable, purposeful and varied. Through providing positive experiences, a lifelong interest in physical activity is encouraged.

Promoting a healthy and active lifestyle is incredibly important at Parklands Primary School, as we recognise the impact it has on pupils well-being, confidence, resiliance and team work. As a school, we are committed to using the Government’s Sports Premium in the following ways:

  • To enhance the quality of our sport curriculum and increase the variety of sporting activities on offer to our pupils
  • To build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years
  • To increase pupil participation in the competitive sport ensuring more pupils take part in more events.

Please visit the link below to see our spend and outcomes for this and previous academic years, as well as plans for this year:


Parklands Sports Premium 22 23 Impact Review

Parklands Sports-Premium 23 24 plan


Swimming results from July 2023 

% of  Year 6 pupils who could :

    • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 m – 73%
    • Use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke] – 69%
    • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations – 100% of pupils understand ways that they can perform safe self-rescue, including the following:
    • The hazards they might find in different type of water situations
    • The Water Safety Code
    • How to stay safe on the beach, and what the different flags mean
    • methods of survival including flotation, treading water, signaling, avoiding heat escaping, conserving energy and utilising a huddle if there is more than one person in distress in the water
    • recognising at least 4 indicators of cold water shock

Competitive sport :

As a school and as a Trust, we firmly believe that competitive sport is an important part of school life as it builds resilience and enables children to celebrate non-academic success.

“Through rich and varied opportunities…all our pupils will have the chance to grow their confidence…”