Fun • Creativity • Achievement



At Parklands, our intention for the RE curriculum is to educate our children in a variety of faiths to encourage a tolerant understanding of people’s religious differences. We focus on one specific religion per year group, from year 2 upwards children will continue to study Christianity alongside studying other religions, drawing comparative analysis of the similarities and difference in the key religions they study.

How we achieve our ambitions

Our curriculum has been written so that each religion has been designated to a particular year group:

Year 1 – Christianity

Year 2 – Judaism

Year 3 – Islam

Year 4 – Hinduism

Year 5 – Sikhism

Year 6 – Buddhism & Humanism

Each year, the children’s knowledge with develop as they learn about a new religion’s basic principles, divinity, holy book/scriptures, key celebrations, place of worship and an important story.

Whilst learning about the religion’s key content, the children’s discussions about religion develop progressively year on year as our curriculum includes progressive skills centred on tolerance, citizenship, constructive comparisons and communication for each year group. In doing so, we hope to develop understanding, welcoming children who take interest in other people’s beliefs.

Through their study, the children will have a range or ways to have a deeper understanding of their religious topic – they may visit religious buildings, have visitors in, or engage in Celebration Days planned to immerse them in the culture and religious festivals. We also use assemblies and our values curriculum to promote tolerance.

Through all of these elements, we hope to create memories and experiences that promote tolerance and positive engagement with all religions as the children progress through school.


Through our curriculum, we aim to educate our children in the variety of religions that exist in the world.

Furthermore, we aim for our children to understand that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and that it is important to welcome and celebrate our differences and to be tolerant of one another. In doing so, we hope for our children to leave primary school ready for the rest of their education with an open mind and an awareness of society’s diversity and be role models to other students in how to tolerate and appreciate our differences.

Above all else, we believe this curriculum provides our children with the skills, knowledge and understanding to make a positive contribution to modern British and British society as they mature.

“We are committed to providing the very best teaching and learning experiences, which inspire and challenge pupils to demonstrate exceptional outcomes…”