School Policies

School Policies

At our school, we strive to ensure we work in partnership with all our families to secure the best outcomes for all pupils. The staff and governors of Parklands Primary School are committed to maintaining a positive and effective relationship with parents, but we recognise at times there may be concerns.

If you have an issue that you would like to discuss, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of staff, so that we can work together to secure the best outcomes for your child. A member of the staff team can be contacted on (01604) 491769. Information about how to raise complaints with staff can also be found on the Preston Hedge’s Academy Trust website

Below are the links to key school policies:


Trust Anti-Bullying Policy

Trust Admissions Policy 22-23

Trust Attendance Policy (1)


 Charging Policy 003 Charging&Remissions Appendix PKL V2 22.04.21



P5 Relationships Education Policy 2022

COM1 Health & Safety Policy

Safeguarding Child Protection Policy 2023-24

General Data Protection Policy

Inclusion Policy